전체 71,586 건 1/7159페이지
번호 | 성명 | 학과명 | 구분 | 연구/업적 |
71586 | 이선기 | 환경공학과 | 전문학술논문 | Biofouling evolution driven by autoinducer-2 quorum sensing in reverse osmosis (RO) for water reclamation(),「Desalination」,제597권(집), PP.118357~, Elsevior, 2025. |
71585 | 남종호 | 조선해양시스템공학부 | 전문학술논문 | Performance-based fire and evacuation analysis for real-time response to shipboard fire incidents(),「Ocean Engineering」,제318권(집), PP.1~13, Elsevier, 2025. |
71584 | 채규정 | 환경공학과 | 전문학술논문 | Is the bioelectrochemical system ready for industrial commercialization?(),「JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES」,제629권(집), PP.236001~, ELSEVIER, 2025. |
71583 | 고재덕 | 기계공학부 | 전문학술논문 | Development of a friction factor correlation for a foam flow in a horizontal circular pipe(),「Annals of Nuclear Eneregy」,제211권(집), PP.110996~, Elsevier, 2025. |
71582 | 조성환 | 해양과학융합학부 | 전문학술논문 | Manipulation impacts of jack mackerel meal in low fish meal diets on growth, feed availability, and biochemical composition of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and economic analysis(),「Journal of the World Aquaculture Society」,제56권(집), PP.1~23, Wiley, 2025. |
71581 | 채규정 | 환경공학과 | 전문학술논문 | Enhanced hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells through a magnetically induced electroactive anode biofilm(),「Chemical Engineering Journal」,제505권(집), PP.159071~, Elsevier, 2025. |
71580 | 최철영 | 해양과학융합학부 | 전문학술논문 | Review of cadmium bioaccumulation in fish exposed to cadium(),「Toxics」,제13권(집), PP.7~, MDPI, 2025. |
71579 | 박상균 | 해사인공지능·보안학부 | 전문학술논문 | Numerical Study on the Characteristics of Hydrogen Leakage,Diffusion and Ventilation in Ships(),「energies」,제18권(집), PP.~, MDPI, 2025. |
71578 | 천강우 | 기관시스템공학부 | 전문학술논문 | Expanding the range of ship fuel consumption prediction: A multi-algorithm feature selection approach(),「Ocean Engineering」,제316권(집), PP.~, Elsevier, 2025. |
71577 | 이원주 | 기관시스템공학부 | 전문학술논문 | Expanding the range of ship fuel consumption prediction: A multi-algorithm feature selection approach(),「Ocean Engineering」,제316권(집), PP.~, Elsevier, 2025. |
담당자 : 오세연 전화 : 051-410-5431[산학협력단] 업데이트 : 2019-12-05
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