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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 최인락씨가 2022.04.11에 등록한 Korea Maritime & Ocean University selected as operator of “Agreed Department for SMEs” in local specialized industry by Ministry of SMEs and Startups 의 상세페이지입니다.
Korea Maritime & Ocean University selected as operator of “Agreed Department for SMEs” in local specialized industry by Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Writer PR Team Date 2022.04.11

Korea Maritime & Ocean University selected as operator of “Agreed Department for SMEs” in local specialized industry by Ministry of SMEs and Startups 

On April 6, 2022, Korea Maritime & Ocean University (President, Do Deog-hee) was designated as one of the operators of the “Agreed Department for SMEs” program supported by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (local specialized industry sector). 

Agreed Department for SMEs is an “employment and study” program for employees of SMEs. It is designed to strengthen their capabilities by allowing them to earn degrees at universities, according to industry demand. Selected universities receive financial support from the government for operating departments.

This year, departments were selected with a focus on future promising industry sectors in order to cope with changes in the industrial structure and cultivate core talents for SMEs in new technologies and industries. 

Under the program, Korea Maritime & Ocean University will create the Department of Eco-friendly Smart Shipbuilding Equipment (Dean, Yun Seong-hwan). The department will offer a master’s degree course with four semesters and a total of 24 credits, beginning in September. The department will receive about 20 students who are employees of SMEs with a work period of at least six months. It will be established at the Western Busan campus of the university in Mieum Complex, Gangseo-gu, Busan, for easy access for SME employees.

With this project, the university intends to establish a virtuous cycle of industry?university cooperation to help advance technology in SMEs, cultivate local talents through demand-based bespoke education, build a network of employees, and promote technology innovation, thereby growing as an independent educational institution.

Do Deog-hee, President of the university, said, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and green technology in shipbuilding are an inevitable megatrend, and smart shipbuilding using ICT is essential. Thus, with this project, we will contribute to the development of the shipbuilding equipment industry by nurturing the manpower necessary for building eco-friendly ship equipment.”

Prior to an application for the project, Korea Maritime & Ocean University conducted a survey among shipbuilding equipment manufacturing companies in Busan regarding the business’s demand for tailored specialized education. The survey found that demand for education in eco-friendly ship equipment was the highest.