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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 최인락씨가 2022.03.29에 등록한 Meeting with a delegation from Finland의 상세페이지입니다.
Meeting with a delegation from Finland
Writer PR Team Date 2022.03.29

The attendants taking a picture at the event.

Meeting with a delegation from Finland


On the 15th, National Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU) President Doh Deog Hee had a meeting with a delegation from Finland.

The meeting, held at the university headquarters, was intended to explore ways to cooperate in higher education between the universities of the two countries as Korea and Finland establish friendly ties.

The meeting was attended by key figures, including Pekka Metso, ambassador of the Republic of Finland to Korea.

On behalf of the KMOU, President Doh and officials from the International Exchange Headquarters attended the event.

At the meeting, they discussed the signing of international academic exchange agreements with universities related to the maritime sector in Finland, among other topics.

Well aware of the importance of sea routes such as the Turk, Helsinki, and Rauma routes from an early stage, Finland has developed its shipbuilding and shipping industries.

The country has a competitive advantage, especially when it comes to icebreakers and cruise ships.

After meeting with the president, the Finnish ambassador and the rest of the delegation toured the Hanbada, the university's training vessel.

This meeting is expected to lead to opportunities to promote mutual exchanges between the two parties.

Pekka Metso, the Finnish ambassador to Korea since September 2020, served as the ambassador plenipotentiary of Finland to the United Nations, and the director of the Asia-Pacific Division for the US and Asia in Helsinki.