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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 최경화씨가 2018.03.29에 등록한 KMOU, Committed to Cooperating on Education with ISA of the UN 의 상세페이지입니다.
KMOU, Committed to Cooperating on Education with ISA of the UN
Writer PR Team Date 2018.03.29

KMOU and ISA Meet to Talk on

 Establishing and Operating Regular Course

of ISA Education and Training Programs


Secretary General Michael Lodge and his associates of the United Nations affiliated International Seabed Authority (ISA) visited the Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU) in the afternoon of the 28 March, 2018 to meet and discuss with President Park Han-il on plans for mutual cooperation. 


 President Park and the secretary general talked on plans to establish and operate the regular course of ISA education and training programs under the KMOU. The ISA programs are retraining programs in the field of seabed and ocean which are provided for applicants from developing countries among ISA member states and are currently operated by commissioned institutes in countries like the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan.


President Park highlighted, “the cooperation with ISA will substantially contribute to the KMOU efforts to nurture various global professionals befitting the status of KMOU as a maritime specialized university” and added, “by collaborating with related institutes located in Dongsam Innovation Cluster like Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KOIST) and Korea Maritime Institute (KMI), the KMOU can operate the regular course and retraining programs of ISA to be highly performing.    


ISA is an international organization which organizes and controls actvities for development and management of deep seabed resources beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. Established in 1994, ISA has now 168 member states. ISA activities include the adoption of rules, regulations and procedures relating to deep seabed activities, monitoring and supervising deep seabed activities and works relating to examination and approval of a plan of work for exploration and a plan of work for development.  


(From the 5th on the right to the left) Chapi Mwango, Chief of ISA Contract Management Unit, Micheal Lodge, ISA Secretary General, Park Han-il, President of KMOU, Alfonso Ascencio, ISA Legal Counsel & Deputy to the Secretary General, and Annekah Mason, ISA Training Coordinator