President Park Han-il of Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU) participates in the World Maritime Education and International Shipping Policy Meeting to be held in Istanbul, Turkey being invited by the Turkish prime minister. President Park has been invited to “the World Maritime University (WMU) Board of Governors meeting and International Shipping Summit” to take place in Istanbul, Turkey from 17 to 18 March, 2018. During the two day event, the President will discuss how to promote personnel exchanges with WMU as well as meet with the Turkish prime minister, the Secretary General of IMO and other high-ranking officials in maritime affairs from around the world to discuss global policies on shipping. The president will also make visits to prestigious universties and maritime institutes in Istanbul to lead the efforts to advance the international exchange. On March 16, he will visit the Istanbul Technical University to reestablish a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the university and to explore ways to enhance personnel exchanges between the two universities. On 19, the president will be at the Turkish Maritime and Shipping Service and PiriReis Univerity to promote the international relationship. President Park Han-il spoke, “the KMOU will actively promote international cooperative relationship with gloal institutes and universties in maritime affairts to improve the international stutus of the university and continue to make steady efforts to find ways to develop the KMOU as a global leading educational institute in maritime affairs.”