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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 admin씨가 2017.10.11에 등록한 Visit of Engineering Leaders from Korea, China and Japan의 상세페이지입니다.
Visit of Engineering Leaders from Korea, China and Japan
Writer Date 2017.10.11

Leaders in the engineering field from Korea, China and Japan visited Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU) on September 28.

The visit came after the 20th Korea-China-Japan Symposium and Roundtable Meeting held in Westin Chosun Busan on September 27 under the theme of “Smart City” with about 20 participants, who are also members of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea, the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Academy of Japan. In KMOU, they listened to a welcoming remark delivered by President, watched a PR video, and looked around the HANBADA, a training ship.

Park Han-il, President of KMOU (and a member of the National Academy of Engineering), said, “I’m honored to greet leaders in the engineering and technology from Korea, China and Japan. I hope their visit can be an opportunity to contribute to promoting research in the ocean engineering and improving competitiveness of the industrial technology.”

In the meantime, the National Academy of Engineering is a special corporation to find great engineering working in universities, companies and public agencies, appreciate their good results in the engineering and technology field, and contribute to developing engineering and technology and promoting sustainable development. President Park is also working as a permanent member from 2014.