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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 admin씨가 2017.09.27에 등록한 Invitation of Port-related Officials in 4 Asian Countries for Training의 상세페이지입니다.
Invitation of Port-related Officials in 4 Asian Countries for Training
Writer Date 2017.09.27

The Northeast Asia Maritime Transportation Logistics Research Center (Director: Nam Gi-chan) operated a training for port-related officials from Asian 4 countries (Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam). The event, organized by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, started on September 18 and finished on 22. 

It is prepared to provide know-hows on port development and operation based on the Korea’s advanced system and to support Korean businesses for orders from Asian countries by strengthening relationship. The training consists of a lecture on theory which is related to advanced ports; a site-visit to Busan Port Authority, Pusan Newport Company and Ulsan Port Authority; and a workshop to establish goals and strategies for port development. During the course, ‘BIZ Meeting’ was held for port officials from the Asian countries and Korean companies to share their opinions on mutual cooperative businesses. It played as an opportunity for training participants to explain their own port development directions to Korean companies who were interested in entering into the port market.  

Prof. Kim Hwan-seong, Chief Manger of the training said, “The training is likely to boost cooperation in the port field between Asian countries and Korea and strengthen a sustainable partnership. Also, as an advanced country in the field, Korea is expected to increase the international status.”