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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 admin씨가 2017.08.28에 등록한 International Symposium for Ocean Science and Technology with Three Universities of Korea, China and Japan의 상세페이지입니다.
International Symposium for Ocean Science and Technology with Three Universities of Korea, China and Japan
Writer Date 2017.08.28

As part of CAMPUS Asia Program (Chief: Prof. Heo Cheol), an international symposium was held on August 24, co-organized by Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU) and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology(TUMST).

The symposium consists of two parts: One is to strengthen cooperation among three countries—Korea, Japan and China, which is named as ‘OQEANOUS Round-table Symposium,’ OQEANOUS stands for Oversea Quality-assured Education in Asian Nations for Ocean University Students. The other is to promote international cooperation in the ocean science and technology filed.

The former had about 25 professors from KMOU, TUMST and Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU) in attendance. There, participants discussed ways to promote cooperation in education and research. In the latter, KMOU, TUMST and 8 ocean science-related institutions participated. In connection with the today’s event, KMOU is operating an open Lab so that students from TUMST can take part in research activities of KMOU.

The CAMPUS Asia program is designed to promote exchanges of students in the higher education. KMOU built a consortium with TUMST and SHOU and was finally designated in November last year. In the coming semester, 6 students of KMOU are scheduled to participate in the program at TUMST and SHOU, and 7 students of TUMST and SHOU are going to come to KMOU for their dual-degree and long-term exchange programs.