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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 admin씨가 2017.08.14에 등록한 MoU with CTE, an Official Institute for Certification of Explosion Proof의 상세페이지입니다.
MoU with CTE, an Official Institute for Certification of Explosion Proof
Writer Date 2017.08.14

People are now possible to get certificates on explosion proof in Korea for the first time.

The Offshore Technology Training Institute (OTTI, Chief: Oh Jin-seok) announced that it recently concluded a joint cooperation agreement on explosion proof training with Compliance Training & Engineering (CTE), an official training center of IECEx Certificate. The explosion proof refers to preventing hazardous materials from exploding or preventing damages caused by explosion.

While the equipment for explosive atmospheres has been widely used in the world, Korea doesn’t have any national certification courses and professional training ones. So, domestic experts had to receive education at overseas institutions to get the international certification on explosion proof. Thanks to the MoU, it makes possible to get the certificate in Korea, nurture domestic experts, and promote higher competitiveness in the field.  

Together with the MoU, the OTTI installed a training equipment for explosive atmospheres in KMOU on July 17. Now, the training course would provide a pragmatic content applicable to the field by giving personnel such as designers, workers and supervisors trainings with actual equipment and implementing task-oriented education and assessment.  

The IECEx Certificate and Personnel Competence Scheme (CoPC) operated by the Offshore Technology Training Institute is the first training course based on the international certification system on explosion proof. With an education to deal with the basic information on explosion proof, a total of 10 units including technician, Inspector, and Designer training are provided according to occupational category. There, trainees are expected to receive not only theoretical but also practical education.

Oh Jin-seok said, “The MoU can contribute to improving personnel’s ability to select/install, equipment for explosive atmospheres at a safe location and maintain/repair it by providing education workers in the field for certification. In addition, it can prevent accidents to reduce social damage and create more jobs home and abroad.” “We also provide the course to meet a demand of overseas customers who require a kind of certificates on explosion proof. In this regard, for these orders, it is expected to strengthen our status in the technical field of explosion proof. 

For more details, you can have access to the website (www.otti.or.kr), email (majh11@kmou.ac.kr) and phone (+82-410-5243).