Students Exchanges and Dual Degree System as part of CAMPUS Asia
Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU, President: Park Han-il)) announced on June 9 that it signed agreements for the students‧credits exchanges and the dual degree system in a Master’s degree with Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT) and Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU) to promote the Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia (CAMPUS Asia).
Prof. Kim Dong-hyeok, Dean of the Graduate School of KMOU, and Prof. Heo Cheol, Head of CAMPUS Asia Project visited TUMSAT from June 1 for three days to make the agreements and discuss ways to promote mutual exchange activities.
First, KMOU and TUMSAT concluded the agreement on operating the dual degree system in a Master’s degree as one of detailed objectives in CAMPUS Asia. The agreement can make a student to get a Master’s degree from the two universities with just one thesis. In addition, the two parties signed a three-nation agreement with SHOU to strengthen trust and solidarity for exchanges of students and credits.
During the meeting of three universities from three nations, the 4th Oversea Quality-assured Education in Asian Nations for Ocean University Students (OQEANOUS) meeting was also held to discuss and decide how to operate and promote CAMPUS Asia. There, they dealt with detailed issues including planning the 2017 summer school, operating an international joint program and exchanging students in the dual degree system. The three universities' Summer School is scheduled to be held in SHOU for college seniors and students in a Masters’ degree from July 14 to July 27.
In the meantime, CAMPUS Asia is a program to boost exchanges of students in the three nations. KMOU was finally selected in last November as one of program members as the university established a consortium with TUMSAT and SHOU. In this regard, the CAMPUS Asia Project of KMOU (Head: Heo Cheol) is expected to implement various programs for education cooperation in the ocean science and technology field.