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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 admin씨가 2017.05.24에 등록한 The 4th KMU International Students’ Day의 상세페이지입니다.
The 4th KMU International Students’ Day
Writer Date 2017.05.24

A Center for International Affairs (Director: Ryu Dong-geun) is held the 4th International Students’ Day on May 19 at the first floor of the Building of International Affairs and Cooperation.


The event is aimed at making international students feel the sense of belongings as a member of KMOU and promoting fellowship between Korean and International students.


About 70 international students including International Student Ambassador and members of the KMOU’s international exchange club participates in the 4th International Students’ Day. In addition, the event prepares for various recreational programs such as the Golden Bell Challenge for international students and the KMOU’s Got Talent.