Four students from Kenya in Africa are scheduled to participate in the KMOU’s on-board training this year. This is the third time event starting from 2015.
In this context, the KMOU signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on the program to invite exchange students for the on-board training with JOMO KENYATTA University of Agriculture and Technology on February 17. Co-signed by College of Maritime Sciences, Embassy of Kenya in Korea and Jooway Shipping Co. Ltd., the Agreement is for an advanced education program to make Kenyan students ship officers.
The agreement ceremony, which was presided over by Prof. Choi Jeong-ho, Vice Dean of the College of Maritime Sciences, had Bang Han-dong, CEO of Jooway Shipping, Mohamed Gello, Ambassador of Kenya, Park Gang-tae, President of Korean Research Institute for Seafarers, and related officials in the KMOU–Prof. Lee Yun-cheol, Dean of the College of Maritime Sciences, Prof. Park Jin-soo, Chief of Global Maritime Education & Training Support Center (GLOMET), Prof. Lee Sang-il, Head of Administration Support Office in the GLOMET, Prof. Yun Gui-ho, Captain of the HANBADA, Prof. Oh Cheol, Head of Marine Engineering Division.
Starting from 2015 when five Kenyan students from the JKUAT successfully completed the on-board training in the KMOU, the program had four Kenyan students in 2016, which is followed by the 2017 education program with four students. During the program, an adjunct professor Lee doo-hyeong is going to responsible for their education.