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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 admin씨가 2017.02.07에 등록한 Visit of President and his Delegation of Pattimura University의 상세페이지입니다.
Visit of President and his Delegation of Pattimura University
Writer Date 2017.02.07

President of Pattimura University in Indonesia and his delegation visited Korea Maritime and Ocean University on January 25. The group included a former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and a member of a ruling party.

As a public university, the campus is located in Ambon and specialized in ocean and fisheries field.

During the visit, they looked around the KMOU’s museum and training ship and paid a courtesy visit to the KMOU President Park Han-il to discuss methods for exchange and cooperation in the ocean science and engineering field.