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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 admin씨가 2017.01.17에 등록한 2017 New Hope New Year Kick Off Ceremony의 상세페이지입니다.
2017 New Hope New Year Kick Off Ceremony
Writer Date 2017.01.17

Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU) held a New Year Kick Off ceremony in the Oullim Hall on January 2. Faculty members, university personnel and students were participated in the 2017 New Hope Ceremony with a strong resolution for the year of the fire rooster.

There, people cut a rice cake to celebrate the New Year and enjoy a free sliced-rice cake soup, one of the traditional food in Korea.

In his New Year’s address, Park Han-il (President of KMOU) appreciated various performances we achieved last year such as being re-selected as a beneficiary of the Project of national for INnovation and Trust (PoINT), being selected as a beneficiary of Campus Asia Program, ranking the second in the integrity index among national universities, establishing a memorial hall to mark the 70th anniversary of foundation, refurbishing amuseum, and securing budget for remodeling a Grand Auditorium. He also urged us to go forward to get her with hope despite a difficult time.