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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 admin씨가 2016.11.04에 등록한 KMOU was selected for “Campus Asia Project”의 상세페이지입니다.
KMOU was selected for “Campus Asia Project”
Writer Date 2016.11.04

The Campus Asia Project aims to seek a beneficial way for mutual cooperation in the fields of ocean science and technology among students of Korea, China and Japan. Through the implementation of the project, three participating universities(Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Shanghai Ocean University and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) will cultivate global talents for high-tech ocean science and technology.  

KMOU was selected for the Campus Asia Project promoted by governments of three countries: Korea, China and Japan.

On October 31, the Ministry of Education in Korea with China and Japan announced the list of 17 consortiums including 9 new groups for the ‘Campus Asia Project’, which will be operated with courses for joint and dual degrees. KMOU will run this project jointly with Shanghai Ocean University(SHOU), China and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology(TUMSAT), Japan. 

KMOU is planning to send 10 students of Graduate School of Ocean Science and Technology(OST) to SHOU and TUMSAT as well as accept same number of students of SHOU and TUMSAT. Through this project, three participating universities are expected to offer bilateral educational programs and develop collaborative research projects. Students who will join this project will be supported financially including tuition fees, travel expenses and dormitory fees.

In the northeast Asian ocean, Korea, China and Japan have been in dispute and a lot of issues of fisheries, territory and the environment including climate exchange. To find a solution to these matters, students of three participating universities will mutually understand between each other and promote cooperation by taking collaborative lectures and internship programs. 

Dr. Han-il PARK, President of KMOU said “This project will help Korea, China and Japan to foster specialized talents in the ocean science and technology and promote academic exchange cooperation among three participating universities. Also, we will try to expand mutual interchange and cooperation with maritime and ocean universities in ASEAN, Europe and the Americas.” 

The ‘Campus Asia Project’, which was benchmarked from European students’ mobility program called as ‘ERASMUS’, was adopted from the Summit Meeting among Korea-China-Japan in 2010 so as to expand and promote university-level academic cooperation. This project was test-operated from 2012 to 2015 and its’ regular programs begin from this year.