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English_A-chi Today 게시판의 작성자 admin씨가 2016.10.27에 등록한 Promotion Event for Admission to KMOU for Thai Guest Students 의 상세페이지입니다.
Promotion Event for Admission to KMOU for Thai Guest Students
Writer Date 2016.10.27
70 Thai students hoping to study in Korea visited KMOU(Korea Maritime and Ocean University) on last 21st.

The event was organized by BFIC(Busan Foundation for International Cooperation) and Consortium of Leading Universities in the Busan Area, in which KMOU is participating. The affairs began with the welcoming remarks by Prof. Dong-Keun RYOO, Director of Center for International Affairs and students watched the KMOU PR video and had an admission guide session, introduction of the KMOU campus life by a KMOU student from Thailand.

Thai students at this event were selected by the Ministry of Education in Thailand together with recommendations by the Korean Education Center in Thailand. This large group consists of 60 high school students who are learning Korean as a second foreign language and hoping to enter universities in Korea; and 10 students are college students who want to transfer to universities in Korea.